One day around 2003 me and a co-worker were at the entry gate of a client's home, testing the security and camera systems. An older sedan was slowly driving up the street in our direction, obviously one of the many people who routinely drive thru the area admiring the large homes and beautifully landscaped properties. As it approached, it slowed and then stopped at the end of the driveway.
I nodded at the driver, then a female voice from the backseat asked, "Who's shit is this?"
"Not sure, we're just working on security" was my instinctive response. Of course that was not entirely accurate, as the owners had been clients for several years.
Privacy is important to many people, for good reason. And, after spending my career working for some of those people, I developed a habit of being pretty private myself.
Even though I hesitated creating this site, people are very interested in the bus. I have been asked a number of times who I am driving. One lady asked jokingly, "is Elvis in there?" I tell the same story over and over, and sometimes hear stories about other Eagle bus encounters. For instance, according to a truck stop mechanic in Montana, members of the band "The Eagles" still use their old Eagle Tour Bus, as they were in the same shop a week earlier getting an oil change.
So, this site serves two purposes. One, I can point people here so they can see pictures of the build process and read a little about the history of the bus. And two, it allows me to practice being a little more open.
Current Caretaker of an Eagle Model 10